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112 Things That Suck Less Than a Bad Data Entry Process

Let's face it. There are a lot of things in life that absolutely suck, and one of those things is a bad data entry process.

Now sure, we could write a whole blog on how to avoid tedious labor and drawn out manual data entry, but we've already done that. A lot.

So instead, savor this list of life's biggest joys and remember: better that than paperwork.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #1

Stepping in dog poop.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #2

Sneezing while chewing food.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #3

Trusting an untrustworthy fart.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #4

Stubbing your toe on the coffee table.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #5

When your partner watches HGTV and now you have a list of renovations to do to the house.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #6

When a family member talks politics on Facebook.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #7

The same 3 commercials on HULU.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #8

The list of side effects in pharmaceutical commercials.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #9

When the scale is broken and adds 25 Lbs.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #10

When the camera adds 10 Lbs.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #11

Pooping in a public place.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #12

Single ply toilet paper.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #13

The day you realize you're getting old and can't eat your favorite foods because they give you heartburn.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #14

Listening to Trent Green call a football game.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #15

Canceling plans because it's supposed to rain and it turns out to be a beautiful day.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #16

When other people don't have their dog on a leash in public, but it's okay because their dog is friendly.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #17

Eating a salad and not losing 15 lbs. Immediately.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #18

Watching a Ferris Buellers day off and realizing Mr. Rooney is the good guy.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #19

The last season of Game of Thrones

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #20

Putting together an Ikea bookcase.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #21

Finding out you are not the father.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #22

Judge Judy calls you a dummy on national TV.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #23

Watching your white friend do the Griddy.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #24

The Movie Vanilla Sky.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #25

Stepping in something wet with your socks.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #26

When you're on a diet but your significant other bakes a cake for no reason.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #27

Tommy Wiso's "The Room".

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #28

That one friend who can eat whatever they want and not get fat.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #29

That person at the gym using 4 pieces of equipment at the same time.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #30

Tribal tattoos.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #31

People who go the speed limit in the passing lane.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #32

People who go on vacation and eat at chain restaurants.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #33

When you are in a rush and you hit every red light.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #34

Realizing Nickelback really isn't that bad.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #35

Trying to figure out Affect vs Effect.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #36

Having a 1:30 doctor's appointment but not seeing the doctor till 3:15.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #37

Flopping in the NBA.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #38

Someone walks their dog and doesn't pick up the poop.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #39

People who spend more time setting up to record their workout than actual working out.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #40

That one guy at the gym that's always there but you've never actually seen him workout.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #41

Bringing your pets to the workplace isn't more of a thing.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #42

The fact there are more than 151 Pokémon now.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #43

That coworker who is always a one upper.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #44

People who can't park and take up two parking spaces.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #45

When you think you found a parking spot only to find out there's a smart car in it.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #46

Making plans because the weather is supposed to be beautiful and it in turns rains all day.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #47

When you post a series of pictures on Facebook and your parents like every single picture, sending you 47 notifications.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #48

When the referee calls at Pass Interference on a ball that clearly wasn't catchable.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #49

Sneezing while driving.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #50

The fact that on every single NBA play there is a travel.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #51

Shaquille O'Neal's Free Throw shooting percentage.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #52

Becoming a 'Back in my day' person.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #53

The fact that Cats are jerks for no reason.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #54

People who are on a Keto Diet and make sure everyone knows they're on a Keto Diet.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #55

Getting stuck in Boston Traffic.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #56

People who don't eat steak.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #57

When you own a small business and the same friends and family who are supposed to be supporting you and the ones looking for free services.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #58

People who refuse to accept Obi-Wan Kenobi as the greatest to have ever lived.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #59

People who think pineapples belong on a pizza.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #60

When a squirrel runs into the middle of the road and doesn't move.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #61

Biting your tongue while eating.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #62

When the food is too hot and you burn the roof of your mouth.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #63

The tiger king's ability to financially recover from this.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #64

Getting into the ring with Prime Mike Tyson.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #65

Waiting in line at the DMV.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #66

Getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #67

When auto correct puts duck.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #68

People who take adult league sports too seriously.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #69

Changing a tire in a downpouring rain.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #70

People who get up at 2:00 am to wait in line on Black Friday.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #71

The taste of kale.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #72

Parallel Parking.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #73

Parents who put their kids on leashes.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #74

People who don't use their blinkers.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #75

Realizing you're not going to make it to the bathroom in time.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #76

Your Jersey Shore Phase.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #77

Your car's extended warranty.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #78

The CGI in The Mummy 2.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #79

When you’re watching a moving with your parents and a sex scene comes on.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #80

Realizing you lost an argument halfway through.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #81

A crying baby in a movie theater.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #82

When someone eats the leftovers you've been looking forward to all day.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #83


Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #84

Pete Carrols play calling ability at the goal line.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #85

When your dog gets sprayed by a skunk.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #86

A Storm Troopers aim.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #87

Johnny Bravo's Legs.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #88

People who don't tip their server at a restaurant.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #89

Being on the receiving end of a Stone-Cold Stunner.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #90

The middle seat on an airplane.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #91

A paper cut under your fingernail.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #92

Breaking up with your significant other via Text.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #93

David Carr's Offensive line in 2002.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #94

Getting into a boxing match with a kangaroo.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #95

When your significant other gives birth and it looks exactly like your best friend.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #96

Trying to figure out the I before E rule and it's 900 exceptions.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #97

That guy who brings an acoustic guitar to the party.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #98

The fact Leonardo DiCaprio only has 1 Oscar.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #99

Paying 9 dollars for a beer at Fenway Park.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #100

When you and a coworker wear the same outfit to work.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #101

The potholes in New England.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #102

The McDonalds Ice Cream machine.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #103

That one friend who can never keep a secret.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #104

Taking off Wallpaper.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #105

Dog the Bounty Hunters Hair Cut.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #106

The defense in the NBA All-Star Game.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #107

Living in a Van Down by the River.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #108

Being a Muggle.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #109

The Live Action version of the The Last Air Bender.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #110

Kidney Stones.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #111

When Shrek won't do the Roar.

Things that suck less than a bad data entry process #112

Using a truck stop bathroom.



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