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Goodbye Learnmode! Hello Shamrock Indexing eForm

If you use Perceptive Content, you are familiar with the pains that come with Learnmodes.  While they are a handy tool included with Perceptive Content, learnmodes can be a headache when it comes to troubleshooting or trying to create new learnmodes against some commonly used host applications. Many times they require additional development to work correctly. Learnmodes are also very fickle and break easily when it comes to browser versions or toolbars enabled in your browser as well as differences between workstations such as monitor resolutions.

Shamrock Solutions came up with a simple but very effective alternative. An eform designed with indexing in mind. The Shamrock Indexing eForm uses a direct ODBC or web call to your business application. By entering a full or partial value, the form does a lookup and returns the values to the form and indexes them in the appropriate fields of the document, including custom properties. Once done, the document can be routed through the workflow process as normal.

Sample Indexing eForm – User types ID Number and a real-time lookup returns information. The user then verifies and hits “Complete” to populate the doc with the values.

Benefits of the Shamrock Indexing eForm.

Convenience – The Shamrock Indexing eForm is convenient. Users no longer need to do manual lookups or manually enter data. Say goodbye to having multiple screens open in various ERP and business applications. Real time lookups do all the work for you.

Customizable and Adaptable – The Shamrock Indexing eForm is also completely customizable and can be used on multiple queues across an organization’s various workflows. The form is also useable across the Perceptive Content thick client, WebNow and even Experience.

Secure – The Shamrock Indexing eForm is not only customizable but also secure. Just like workflow security, only users given access to the form can access, collect or modify the data.

Shamrock Solutions would be happy to discuss how the Shamrock Indexing eForm could help make your processes more efficient.

Jeff Jones, ECM Consultant


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